St. Katharine Drexel Academy





Auction Fundraiser



Saturday March 16, 2024

6:00p.m. – 10:00p.m.


Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens

- Liberty Station –

2816 Historic Decatur Rd.

San Diego, CA 92106


Join us for our

Biggest Fundraiser of the Year!



Click on the Admission tab above to purchase your tickets!



If you are not able to attend and would like to participate remotely in the silent auction portion only, click on the Remote Silent Auction Bidding tab above.


To view information about how to purchase tickets for the $5,000 grand prize and $1,000 second place prize raffle click on the CASH Raffle! Tab above.


Thank you!


Your generous support goes toward supporting the mental and physical health of the students, such as more resources to support student learning, providing classroom supplies, flexible seating furniture and educational adaptive software.

Thank you to our wonderful Sponsors!