A - Principal for the Day!
B - Free Dress for 5 School Days
C - Zoo with Mrs. Nowland!
D - Kroc Center With Mrs. Schmidt
E - SDSU Baseball Game with Mrs. Rogers!
F - Benihana with Ms. Lapid
G - Whaley House with Ms. Lhory & Mrs. Perez
H - Batting Cages with Mr. & Mrs. Egan
J - Jesus, Mary and Mother Teresa
Set of books for for spiritual reading....Rediscover Jesus, by Matthew Kelly, He and I, by Gabrielle Bossis, Mother Teresa Her Essential Wisdom, and My Utmost for His Highest.
Mary and Child framed picture and Plaque of Mary and a Metal Nail Cross
The Case for Christ Movie - One man's journey to solve the biggest mystery of all time.